Vol. 17 / 2022 – International Conference on Virtual Learning
Cybersecurity education in Romania - competitive advantage in the EU market
Ioana-Cristina VASILOIU
Modern information and communication technologies have experienced significant development in recent years, with a major impact on every aspect of life: social, political, economic, and cultural. The development of cybercrime is also based on the revolutionary growth of technology. Education and courses provided at a national level are essential to prevent cyber attacks. Cybersecurity awareness and the need for cybersecurity specialists make a significant competitive advantage in the EU market. Therefore, it is crucial to know who the primary providers of cybersecurity education in Romania are and if there is room for improvement. Also, it is critical to understand who is seeking to acquire knowledge in this field and how the providers approach them. Thus, this paper presents both universities and private entities which provide at least one course focused on cybersecurity. Moreover, it analyses Romania’s attitude in a European environment toward this field and how and when its strategy will lead to a competitive advantage in the EU market.
online courses,
education providers,
cybersecurity education,
Ioana-Cristina VASILOIU,
"Cybersecurity education in Romania - competitive advantage in the EU market",
International Conference on Virtual Learning,
ISSN 2971-9291, ISSN-L 1844-8933,
vol. 17,
pp. 297-307,