Vol. 19 / 2024 – International Conference on Virtual Learning

Enabling digital education: from official statistics to public policy

Ciprian IFTIMOAEI, Adrian-Victor VEVERA


This study adopts a theoretical and empirical approach to digital education structured on three levels: the definition of digital education, the statistical analysis of data on digital education, and the evaluation of public policies in digitization. The study aims to provide a comprehensive view of the benchmarks and trends regarding digital education in the post-COVID-19 period, as reflected in official statistics and policies at the European and national levels. The evaluation of digital education in Romania, within EU member countries, is based on a series of statistical indicators provided by Eurostat and the National Institute of Statistics. These indicators include the early school leaving rate, the share of NEETs, the share of people with higher education in the total population, the participation of adults in lifelong learning, the DESI index, the level of digital skills, and computer skills. The research methodology comprises descriptive analysis, boxplot analysis, and regression analysis, ensuring a comprehensive and robust evaluation. The study's results can be used to evaluate progress in achieving the targets proposed by public policies for the digitization of the economy and society in Romania in a European context, providing reassurance of the thoroughness and reliability of the research.

technology, education, statistics, learning skills, Digital, public policy

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Ciprian IFTIMOAEI, Adrian-Victor VEVERA, "Enabling digital education: from official statistics to public policy", International Conference on Virtual Learning, ISSN 2971-9291, ISSN-L 1844-8933, vol. 19, pp. 247-262, 2024. https://doi.org/10.58503/icvl-v19y202421